2019년 6월 6일 목요일

광부 예제(상태 패)

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class miner : MonoBehaviour
    public enum State

    public State state;

    public void Awake()
        state = State.EnterMineAndDigForNuggets;

        // Start the Finite State Machine

    IEnumerator FSM()
        // Execute the current coroutine (state)
        while (true)
            yield return StartCoroutine(state.ToString());

    IEnumerator EnterMineAndDigForNuggets()
        /* This part works as the Enter function
    of the previous post (it's optional) */

        print("Entering the mine...");
        yield return null;

        /* Now we enter in the Execute part of a state
    which will be usually inside a while - yield block */

        bool dig = true;
        int digged = 0;
        while (dig)
            print("Digging... " + (digged++) + " " + Time.time);
            if (digged == 2) dig = false;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);

        /* And finally do something before leaving
    the state (optional too) and starting a new one */

        print("Exiting the mine...");
        state = State.EnterBankAndDepositGold;

    IEnumerator EnterBankAndDepositGold()
        print("Entering the bank...");
        yield return null;

        bool queing = true;
        float t = Time.time;
        while (queing)
            if (Time.time - t > 5) queing = false;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);

        print("Leaving the bank a little bit richer...");
        state = State.EnterMineAndDigForNuggets;

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